Journée BASC "Défis & opportunités pour l'étude des systèmes socio-écologiques dans la communauté BASC"
Objectif climat Workshop scientifique
Journée animée par les experts du CEA, de Centrale Supélec, du CNRS, de l'École Polytechnique, de l'INRA, de la KIC Climat,de l'Université Paris Sud et de l'Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
Date: Le 12 novembre 2015
Lieu: Synchrotron SOLEIL, St Aubin
Conférence "L’Arctique, sentinelle du réchauffement climatique"
Alexandra Lavrillier prend part à la conférence "l'Arctique - sentinelle du changement climatique" à Quebec, Musée de la Civilisation - dans le cadre du programme - COP21 FACTS French-Amirican-Canadian Climate Talks, co-organisé avec l'Ambassade de France
Workshop at the university of Greenland in Nuuk
Jean-Michel Huctin and Magali Vullierme participate in a workshop which is hold by the the university of Greenland in Nuuk.
Green Greenland research group / researchers from UVSQ in Nuuk, 19-22 October
CEARC participate in the Arctic Circle conference in Reykjavik Island
Jean-Michel Huctin and Magali Vullierme participate in the Arctic Circle conference which is hold in Reykjavik Island from 16 to 18 October 2015
More info about the conference:
X Siberian studies conference
Emotions, Feelings and Perception in the North and Siberia
What is This Conference About?
Contribution for International Scientific Conference "Our Common Future Under Climate Change"
Micro 2016: First circular
New updated in Spain
Lanzarote acoge la I Conferencia Internacional sobre el impacto del microplástico en el medio marino
Joint DTU-CEARC workshop in Copenhagen - Quantitative and qualitative sustainability assessment
CEARC and the DTU are organising a French-Danish seminar on the interface between technical and social sciences in Greenland. The focus of the seminar on Quantitative and qualitative sustainability assessment. The goal of the seminar is to initiate collaborations between DTU and CEARC.
Date: May 27 2015
Technical University of Denmark
Polaris Middle Term Conference
“Cultural and Natural Heritage in Arctic and Sub-Antarctic Regions for a CrossCultural and Sustainable Valorisation Process and Tourism Development: Siberia, Lapland and Patagonia”
FP7-Marie Curie Actions-People-International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, project no. 318974
International mid-term conference
Friday, May 22, 2015