UCCRN Symposium: Urban transition in face of climate change: how to make it happens?
Jean-Paul Vanderlinden invited at the Royal Belgian Academy for Overseas Sciences
CEARC's Director, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, has been invited to give a lecture at a plenary session of the Royal Belgian Academy of Overseas Sciences.
CEARC and the 2017 European Maritime Day
Transdisciplinarity through Arts, Sciences and Policy
Conférences à 2 voix à Lille
Journée d'étude du Réseau Arctique de l'OVSQ 2017
Jean-Paul Vanderlinden trainer in inter and transdisciplinary science at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Séminaire: capacité d’adaptation, mobilisation citoyenne et événements extrêmes
AGU's Fall Meeting in December 2016
AGU’s Fall Meeting is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world. With more than 1,700 sessions in 2015, Fall Meeting’s scientific program spans the Earth and space sciences, offering something for everyone no matter their scientific discipline.