Soutenance de thèse de Fawaz Salihou
« Economic and non-economic incentives for modal shift toward sustainable mobility solutions »
Le mardi 28 mars 2023, à 14h
Salle sc.071, Bâtiment Bouygues, CentraleSupelec, 3 Rue Joliot Curie 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Keywords: Economic incentives; Non-economic incentives; Modal shift; Negative externalities; Choice modes ;Combination of incentives
Abstract: Despite its benefits, road transport generates negative externalities such as air pollution, congestion, road accidents, and noise. In the face of the climate emergency, these negative externalities must be reduced by promoting a modal shift from car use to more sustainable modes of transport such as carpooling, public transport, and active modes. This thesis examines how to promote a modal shift from car use to sustainable mobility solutions for commuting and is divided into three chapters.
The first chapter reviews the literature on incentives for a modal shift from car use to sustainable mobility solutions. It shows that there are two forms of incentives (economic and non-economic) which, when applied in isolation, can only be effective in specific contexts and have limitations more generally. A combination of incentives is needed to encourage a modal shift from car use to more sustainable mobility solutions.
The second chapter analyzes a selection of combinations of economic incentives, including employer subsidies (Forfait Mobilité Durable=FMD) and non-economic incentives (nudges, trust in others to carpool) to encourage carpooling for commuting or home-study trips in the Île-de-France (Paris metropolitan area). We show that nudges are more effective among younger and more educated individuals and encourage them to carpool more. Applying nudges in isolation appears to be more effective in encouraging carpooling for commuting than combining nudges with employer subsidies for sustainable mobility. Men are more likely to carpool to work or school with a stranger than women.
The third chapter measures the intention to choose more sustainable modes of transport than carpooling, in the respective contexts of medium and short distances for commuting (or studying) in Île-de-France, under the effect of incentives or combinations of incentives. Overall, combinations of economic and non-economic incentives are more effective than the same incentives applied in isolation. However, there are mobility situations (distance classes) and mobility user profiles for which isolated incentives applications are more effective.
Sous la direction de Pascal Da Costa, Julie Bulteau, Rémy Le Boennec et Jaafar Berrada, le jury sera composé de :
- Frédéric Lantz(IFP School), rapporteur
- Philippe Quirion (CNRS, CIRED), rapporteur
- Yves Crozet (Science Po Lyon), examinateur
- Isabelle Nicolaï (CentraleSupelec), examinatrice
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