Patrick Schembri
patrick.schembri [at]
+33 (0)1 80 28 50 63
- Associate Professor in Economics [MCF HC]
- Research fellow at the CEARC research centre, since 2016
- Member of the OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ), UVSQ, since 2012
- Elected member of the Board, OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ), UVSQ, since 2018
- Coordinator of actions in Humanities and Social Sciences and Sustainable Development of the Sustainable energy Institute of the UPSaclay
Patrick Schembri, PhD in Economics (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/Academic Tutor: Prof. Emeritus René Passet), Associate Professor in Economics at Versailles University and University of Paris-Saclay. Current member of the Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, (CNRS-UVSQ), and research fellow at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cultures Environments Arctic Representations Climate (CEARC-OVSQ). For his doctoral dissertation, he benefited from a Research Grant of Brown University (Providence, MA, USA). He has been a Postdoctoral fellow within the CRITINC European Research Project, making sustainability operational: CRITIcal Natural Capital and the implications of a strong sustainability criterion, funded by the DG XII of the European Commission and coordinated by the School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment, Keele University, U.K. He is member of the GDR AREES « ARctique: Enjeux pour l'Environnement et les Sociétés » (CNRS).
Dr. Schembri published several articles and chapters on environmental policy, innovation & green technology transfers, natural capital assessment, indicators for sustainable development and economic modelling of sustainability. His research activities led him to take part in several national and European research programs concerning sustainable agriculture and water quality, greenhouse gas abatement through fiscal policy in the European Union, the economic and social aspects of environmental issues such as consumers lifestyles and pollutant emissions, the application of monetary and non-monetary procedures of economic valuation for managing sustainable development, the role of electricity grid and hydrogen in the energy transition, the modelling of socio-economic scenarios of climate change.
My research mainly focuses on the links between economic growth, innovation and environmental changes, as well as the transition to the so-called ecologically-adjusted growth regime and the associated development paths. During the last decade, the financial and economic crises raise the basic questions about the process of economic growth. They have led to rethinking financial and environmental issues, highlighting the question of the financing of investments in sectors that would allow for the generation of new areas of production with specific skills, jobs, and an increase in income. It is then important to explore the policies and actions that should be initiated in order to achieve the required transition. It is also important to take account of the characteristics of the region and of the individual countries, as well as their potential to effectively move towards a green or ecologically adjusted economy based on their own capacities, while embracing the concept of green growth in their policies and programs.
In this context, my research aims at building an analytical framework that integrates the notions of threshold and conflict with respect to sustainability treated here as both a system-oriented and asset-based approach. Sustainability is defined as a heuristic method that questions consistency between several goals through time. With respect to the time dimension of sustainability, we examine the extent to which current investment strategies facilitates or limits the ability of the system to adjust to novelty. This is an important matter which also refers to the notion of adaptation. Adaptation is addressed through how resilience can be treated in macrodynamics with reference to the modeling of economic growth and ecological transition.
PRECIPITATION AEROSOLS RESILIENCE INTERACTION SOCIETE (PARIS): 2024-2025, winner of the Tremplin Call for Projects, GS GCEP, Paris-Saclay University. Partners: LATMOS, CEARC, LSCE, IPSL.
The objective of this research is to measure the impact of socio-economic dynamics on that of IUCs in the Greater Paris metropolis over the last 30 years. The research will contribute to assessing the role of urban forms and planning on the dynamics of densification (population, production, consumption) and their consequences for the trajectories of emissions and precipitation.
PEDAGOGICAL SERIOUS GAME BRUCO: 2023-2024, winner of the OSER Call for Projects, Paris-Saclay University. Scientific coordinator. The development and dissemination of an educational tool for debate on the environmental and social issues of major societal challenges.
NEW ENERGY SUSTAINABLE MOBILITIES (NESMO): 2023-2024, winner the Excellence Call for projects, IES Paris-Saclay & MSH Paris-Saclay, University of Paris-Saclay. Scientific coordinator (Social sciences & humanities). Partners: LISV (UVSQ), CEARC (UVSQ), the Institute of Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Energy and Mobility (STEMS-CNR, Napoli-Italy) & University of Federico II (Napoli-Italy)
PURPOSE - Assessing the PERFORMANCE of a technological solution aimed at responding to certain challenges of the current energy transition. APPROACH – Building a knowledge mediation approach with the perspective of developing collective and collaborative expertise around the notion of performance.
CHANGEMENTS DE COMPORTEMENTS DE MOBILITE POST-COVID DANS UNE PERSPECTIVE DE TRANSITION ECOLOGIQUE, ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL: 2022-2023, Projet Emergence MSH Paris-Saclay. Partners: LADYSS UMR 7533 (CNRS, Univ. paris 8, Univ. Paris 1, Univ. Paris 7, Univ. paris 10), GRETTIA (Univ. Gustave Eiffel).
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY INSTITUTE – PARIS SACLAY (creation Autumn 2021). This is an Interdisciplinary Object of the Paris-Saclay University. Scientific coordinator for Social sciences & Humanities and Sustainable Development. Institutional coordinators: CNRS, CEA-LITEN, University of Paris-Sud, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, ENS Paris-Saclay, Centrale-Supélec.
ENERGY TRANSITION: 2017-2021. He is the scientific coordinator for the Social sciences and Humanities of the IRS MOMENTOM (MOlecules and Materials for the ENergy of TOMorrow), a Strategic Research Initiative of Paris-Saclay University. The economic evaluation of new materials for renewable energies and new strategies allowing the transition from a carbon-based economy to a sustainable economy. Partners: CNRS, CEA, University of Paris-Sud, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, University of Evry, Ecole Polytechnique, ENS Cachan, ENSTA ParisTech, Centrale-Supélec, Soleil. website
CLIMATE-ECONOMIC MODELING: 2017-2020. IRS ACE-ICSEN (Adaptation to Environmental Changes: a multiscale and transdisciplinary approach), coordinated by the CEARC-OVSQ. The study of adaptation processes of living organisms, natural habitats and human societies to environmental changes. The modelling of climate change mitigation. Partners: University of Paris-Sud (ESE, GEOPS), University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (DAVID, VIMA), LabeX IPSL (LSCE). website
- Since 2020
06 February 2024, Quelle interdisciplinarité dans le projet de recherche NESMO ?, Communication, Scientific seminar « Travailler dans l’interdisciplinarité », IES-PS, the MSH Paris-Saclay & the OVSQ, Guyancourt
24 January 2024, La performance de la solution « biocarburants » en tant qu’innovation, Scientific workshop, Conference, Biofuels, ALLCAN, University of Paris-Saclay, Saclay (in collaboration with Julie Bulteau)
10 January 2024, La « grande » transformation des systèmes énergétiques : enjeux, défis et leviers potentiels dans un contexte de crises, Conference, Formation des cadres supérieurs du MEFSIN : la crise des ressources naturelles, Espace Jean Choussat, Vincennes.
28 November 2023, La transition énergétique dans un contexte de crises : quels enjeux ?, Conference, Club Climat Energie de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Crise énergétique : décryptage et perspectives, Guyancourt URL
23 November 2023, Intérêt des étudiants universitaires pour les recruteurs : une approche par les compétences, Conference, Forum des métiers, GS Géosciences Climat, Environnement Planètes, Paris-Saclay University
14 November 2023, Climat : la transition énergétique va-t-elle (enfin) débuter ?, Interview, Journal L’Opinion URL
08 March 2023, Testing the impacts of disaggregated renewable energy sources on economic growth: evidence of spatial spillover effects for developing countries, Energy at the Crossroads: Accelerating Innovation in the Age of Disruption, Third MOMENTOM International Congress, IES-PS and the MSH Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, Paris-Saclay University (with K. Radja & H. Yan) URL
28 Nov. 2022, Eco-responsabilité et frugalité dans la transition énergétique, [Eco-responsibility and frugality in the energy transition], Table ronde, Séminaire Brainstorm Nano organized by l’Institut des NanoSciences PSiNano (LabEx NanoSaclay), C'Nano-CNRS & l’Institut Pascal de Paris-Saclay, University of Paris-Saclay, Institut Pascal, Saclay
25 Nov. 2022, Exposition urbaine à la pollution de l’air : une experience à l’aide de micro-capteurs individuels en Île-de-France, [Urban Exposure to Air Pollution: an Experiment Using Individual Micro-sensors in Île-de-France], Séminaires du LIMEEP-PS, Fourth Edition, « Villes et qualité de l’air : expositions des populations et enjeux d’urbanisme », Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, (with Nabil Touili).
24 Nov. 2022, Quelles perspectives pour l’hydrogène sur Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines ? [What prospects for hydrogen in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines ?], Synthesis of the conférence organized by the Club Climat Energie de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Banque Populaire Val de France.
8 Nov. 2022, Peut-on compter sur l’intelligence des villes pour atteindre la neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050 ? Une présentation de recherches en cours sur les enjeux de soutenabilité de la transition énergétique des villes, [Can we count on the intelligence of cities to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 ? A presentation of current research on the sustainability issues of the energy transition of cities], Journées ICOS-France 2022 [Integrated Carbon Observation System], Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
June 2022, Variations spatio-temporelles de l'exposition individuelle aux polluants urbains : quelles adaptations individuelles et collectives ? . Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, UMR 8504 Géographie-cités, 2022, ⟨10.4000/cybergeo.39074⟩⟨hal-03708067⟩, (with Nabil Touili, Katia Radja, Ahmad Ktaish, Karine Zeitouni, Isabella Annesi-Baesano, Basile Chaix, Boris Dessimond, Jean-Marc Naude, Salim Srairi).
29 Apr. 2022, La nouvelle économie de l'espace à la croisée de plusieurs mobiles sécuritaires : une comparaison entre les États-Unis et l'Union Européenne, Journée d’étude intitulée « Géopolitique de l’espace et espace(s) de géopolitique », [Geopolitics of space and space(s) of geopolitics], LIMEEP-PS, Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
16 Feb. 2022, La solution hydrogène pour la neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050 : la question des usages et de la complémentarité avec l’électricité [The Hydrogen Solution for Carbon Neutrality By 2050 : The Question of Uses and Complementarity With Electricity], communication in the webinar, sixth of a cycle on hydrogen in the energy transition [WTE H2] organized jointly by the Energy at Paris-Saclay [EAPS] and the CEA-LITEN, which presents the state of the art and the prospects for uses hydrogen. URL
Dec. 2021, Énergies « nouvelles » et société : la transition énergétique actuelle à la croisée des chemins et des savoirs, conference for the kickoff session of the Institute of Sustainable Energy Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, december 9.
Nov. 2021, Is There Any Tradeoff Between Energy Security and Climate Stability for the Arctic Region? An exploration of the Potential Levers and Obstacles to the Required Energy Transition, a communication during the Artic Days, an international conference organized jointly by the Saint Petersburg State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), within the Trianon Dialogue. November 25 and 26 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sept. 2021, Transition énergétique et défi climatique : quelle place pour l’hydrogène vert ? Maison des sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay : collection Actes, 8, MSH PARIS-SACLAY Éditions, Gif-sur-Yvette, MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, p. 85-113. Mis en ligne le 01/09/2021. DOI :
Sept. 2021, Énergies « nouvelles » et société : la transition énergétique actuelle à la croisée des chemins et des savoirs, Maison des sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay : collection Actes, 8, MSH PARIS-SACLAY Éditions (With Hynd Remita). DOI :
16 April 2021, Transitions énergétiques et agenda climatique : le regard d’un économiste, Conference at « Les vendredis de l’OVSQ », the Observatory of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CNRS-UVSQ), University of Paris-Saclay. URL
26 March 2021, Les « villes neutres en carbone » seront-elles nécessairement des « villes soutenables » ? Une réflexion autour de la question de l’arbitrage en les objectifs climatiques et les objectifs de développement, Communication at the first Workshop Webinar organized by the LIMEEP-PS intitled « Villes durables », the Observatory of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CNRS-UVSQ), University of Paris-Saclay. URL
25 March 2021, Sustainable Finance for the Energy Transition: What Should be the Right Price for Energy? Guest Speaker/Plenary Conference at the Third Edition of Ethical Finance and Sustainable Development Workshop organized by the EDC Paris Business School (OCRE) and the Cergy Paris University (THEMA). URL
04 Dec. 2020, Economic Loss and Damage From Climate Change: The Importance of The « Growth Effect » on The Cost and Timing of Climate Policies, Communication at the second ACE ICSEN Workshop Webinar, University of Paris-Saclay and the Observatory of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CNRS-UVSQ), (with Katia Radja & Huijie Yan).
04 Dec. 2020, Variations spatio-temporelles de l'exposition individuelle aux polluants urbains : quelles adaptations individuelles et collectives ? Communication at the second ACE ICSEN Workshop Webinar, University of Paris-Saclay and the Observatory of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CNRS-UVSQ), (with Katia Radja & Nabil Touili).
02 Nov. 2020, Contribution to the MOOC MOMENTOM, The MOMENTOM Project as a Strategic Research Initiatives of paris-Saclay University. New Energies and Society
Sequence 1: Energy Transition and Global Warming
Sequence 2: New Energies and Environmental Impacts: The IPAT Modelling Approach
Sequence 3: « Green » Hydrogen in The Energy Transition: Which Potentials and Lock-in Factors?
04 Dec. 2020, The Effect of Climate Change on Economic Growth: Evidence From a Cross-Section of Countries, Communication at the second ACE ICSEN Workshop Webinar, University of Paris-Saclay and the Observatory of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CNRS-UVSQ), (with Katia Radja & Huijie Yan).
07 July 2020, Covid-19 : Quel développement soutenable pour demain ? Quelles mutations économiques et sociales ? Communication at the third Webinar organized conjointly by the University of Paris-Saclay, the AUF and the Conversation. available on youtube
02 July 2020, The Effect of Climate Change on Economic Growth: Evidence From a Cross-Section of Countries, the 8th Bordeaux Conference in Development Economics (BCDE), GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113) and the University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, (with Katia Radja & Huijie Yan) [conference postponed to April 2021]
05 June 2020, La crise de la Covid-19 entre rupture et continuité pour le “monde d’après”, Paper presented at the First International Webinar: Le monde post-Covid-19: opportunités de développement économique et durable, organized jointly by the Department of International Relations, the Faculty of Economics and the Franco-Argentinian Center of the University of CUYO (UNCUYO), Mendoza, Argentina. More info
- 2017-2019
21 Nov. 2019, Transition énergétique et défi climatique : quelle place pour l’hydrogène vert ? Paper for the Second Workshop MOMENTOM : Energies nouvelles et société, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Saclay, Cachan.
08 Nov. 2019, Défi climatique et transition énergétique : quelle économie politique pour l’Arctique ? Communication for the Séminaire Hautes Latitudes, LSCE (IPSL) & CEARC, Université Paris Saclay.
19 Oct. 2019, Les grands enjeux socio-économiques de la transition énergétique, communication for the Conference on the Renewable Energy, organized by the Pôle d’Equilibre Territorial et Rural Ternois 7 Vallées (PETR), Abbaye de Belval, Commune de Troisvaux.
23 Sept. 2019, The Tradeoff between Climate Policies and Development Policies: A Sustainability Issue, paper presented at the International Conference on Arctic Crossroad, The Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Paris, (with K. Radja)
18 June 2019, Energy Transition, and US Urban Growth Path Dependency, paper presented at the International Faculty Partnership Symposium California State University – MICEFA, OVSQ, (with F. Leriche)
11 Apr. 2019, Transition énergétique et matériaux de rupture pour l’énergie : les enjeux socio-économiques du programme de recherche MOMENTOM (IRS Univ. Paris Saclay), communication presented at the Workshop Energy H2020, PCN SHS & PCN Energie, CEA, Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (MESRI), Paris
18 Feb. 2019, Economic Scenarios of Climate Change: The Methane Issue, Lecture at the Second International MEMO2 School: Learning more about Methane and Society, LSCE (IPSL), OVSQ. MEMO2 : Methane goes Mobile – MEasurements and Modelling, is a European Training Network (MSCA-ETN) with more than 20 partners from 7 countries
13 Dec. 2018, Energy Transition and The Arctic: An Issue of Conflicting Security Motives, paper presented at the Arctic Week: An International & Transdisciplinary Conference Bridging Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge, OVSQ.
18 Nov. 2018, Does disaggregated renewable energy consumption stimulate economic growth? The role of spatial effect and heterogeneity across countries, paper presented at the Conference on International Development Economics, GDRI IDE 838, CERDI – university of Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, (with H. Yan & K. Radja)
21 March 2018, Energie, climat et croissance : les enjeux de la transition vers une économie « décarbonée », Plenary Conference, Université Paris Val de Seine, Cergy Pontoise.
23 Jan. 2018, Energies et dérèglements climatiques : quels enjeux économiques ? Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille, Lille, (with S. Huet).
20 Nov. 2017, Dérèglements climatiques et croissance économique : quels enjeux pour l’évaluation des politiques climatiques ? Workshop IRS ACE ICSEN, MSH Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan.
10 March 2017, Echanges internationaux et environnement, Conference, Trump : sa politique et l’environnement, Association des Juristes en Droit de l’Environnement de l’université de Paris Sud, Sceaux.
2024 Cycle of Scientific seminars, Travailler dans l’interdisciplinarité: retours d’expérience, IES-PS, the MSH Paris-Saclay & the DIM PAMIR, member of the organization Committee. URL
16 November 2023, organization of the Premières Rencontres de l’IES Paris-Saclay, La transformation des systems énergétiques dans un contexte de crises et d’urgence des grands agendas environnementaux, IES-PS, the MSH Paris-Saclay & the OVSQ, ENS Paris-Saclay, Paris-Saclay University URL
09 November 2023, organization of the scientific seminar, Environnements urbains, Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-yvelines, Guyancourt.
08-09-10 March 2023, member of the organization committee, Energy at the Crossroads: Accelerating Innovation in the Age of Disruption, Third MOMENTOM International Congress, IES-PS and the MSH Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, Paris-Saclay University URL
02 February 2023, Organization of the conference, Urgence climatique, Sylvestre Huet, IES-PS and ALLCAN, CS, Paris-Saclay University
Sustainable Energy Institute – Paris Saclay (creation Autumn 2021). An Interdisciplinary Object of the Paris-Saclay University. Scientific coordination for Social sciences & Humanities and Sustainable Development.
02 Nov. 2020, The MOOC MOMENTOM, The MOMENTOM Project as a Strategic Research Initiatives of paris-Saclay University. New Energies and Society (Scientific Coordinator Challenge 4: Social Sciences and Humanities)
9-13 Dec. 2019, Arctic Week 2019: An International & Transdisciplinary Conference Bridging Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge, (Organizing Committee), The Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Paris
27 Nov. 2019, Itinéraires maritimes et Arctique : contraintes et enjeux logistiques, Séminaire de Recherche en logistique (SRLOG), (Scientific Coordinator & Organizing Committee), OVSQ, Guyancourt.
21 Nov. 2019, Second Workshop MOMENTOM Energies nouvelles et société : les coûts de la transition énergétique, (Scientific Coordinator), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan.
29 & 30 Nov. 2018, Deuxième atelier thématique de recherche Mobilité : Villes, transports et mobilité durable, (Scientific Committee and local Organizing Committee), OVSQ, Guyancourt.
19 Oct. 2017, First Workshop MOMENTOM Energies nouvelles et société : regards croisés sur la transition énergétique, (Scientific Coordinator), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan.
- Since 2020
2023, Patrick Schembri, Huijie Yan, Katia Radja. Does disaggregated renewable energy stimulate economic growth? The role of spatial effect. Applied Economics, 2023, pp.1-20. ⟨10.1080/00036846.2023.2167917⟩ (hal-04000081)
2022, Variations spatio-temporelles de l'exposition individuelle aux polluants urbains : quelles adaptations individuelles et collectives ? . Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, UMR 8504 Géographie-cités, 2022, ⟨10.4000/cybergeo.39074⟩⟨hal-03708067⟩, (with Nabil Touili, Katia Radja, Ahmad Ktaish, Karine Zeitouni, Isabella Annesi-Baesano, Basile Chaix, Boris Dessimond, Jean-Marc Naude, Salim Srairi).
2021, Transition énergétique et défi climatique : quelle place pour l’hydrogène vert ? Maison des sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay : collection Actes, 8, MSH PARIS-SACLAY Éditions, Gif-sur-Yvette, MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, p. 85-113. Mis en ligne le 01/09/2021. DOI
2021, Énergies « nouvelles » et société : la transition énergétique actuelle à la croisée des chemins et des savoirs, Maison des sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay : collection Actes, 8, MSH PARIS-SACLAY Éditions (With Hynd Remita). DOI
2020 Transition énergétique et défi climatique : quelle place pour l’hydrogène vert ? WP IRS – MOMENTOM, Paris-Saclay University, CEARC/OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ).
2020 Loss and damage from climate change: the importance of the « growth effect » on the cost and timing of adaptation, WP: IRS ACE-ICSEN, Paris-Saclay University, CEARC/OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ).
2020 The Effect of Climate Change on Economic Growth: Evidence From a Cross-Section of Countries, WP: IRS ACE-ICSEN, Paris-Saclay University, CEARC/OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ).(with Katia Radja and Huijie Yan).
- Before 2020
2019 Does Disaggregated Renewable Energy Consumption Stimulate Economic Growth? The Role of Spatial Effect, WP: IRS MOMENTOM, Paris-Saclay University, CEARC/OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ).(with Katia Radja and Huijie Yan).
2018 Energy Transition and the Arctic Region: Does hydrogen part of the solution? WP: IRS MOMENTOM, Paris-Saclay University, CEARC/OVSQ (CNRS-UVSQ).(with Sarah Uzunova).
2017 Dérèglements climatiques et croissance économique : quels enjeux pour l’évaluation des politiques climatiques, WP : IRS ACE-ICSEN. online
2016 Quels enjeux de soutenabilité pour l’agriculture indienne ? Economie Rurale, 352, Mars-avril, pp. 23-41, (with Katia Radja and Damien Bazin). [Which sustainability for the Indian agriculture?]
2015 Green growth and sustainability: new challenges for an economics of quality, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Special Edition, Vol. 18, N°1/2, pp. 1-8, (with Katia Radja).
2015 Quelles conditions pour un régime de croissance verte ? Quelques perspectives pour une lecture régulationniste, Recherche & Régulation 2015 : La théorie de la régulation à l’épreuve des crises, Actes, Paris, 23p., (with Yoann Verger). [Which Conditions for a Green Growth Regime? A few Perspectives from a Regulationist Reading]
2012 Pour une nouvelle industrialisation des régions françaises, Edition L’Harmattan, Paris, France, in collaboration with P. Grou, D. Mertens-Santamaria & K. Radja. [For a new industrialization of the French regions]
2011 Développement durable et ruralité en Nouvelle Calédonie : quelle articulation du local et du global dans les politiques publiques ? in F. Taglioni (ed.), Insularité et développement durable, pp. 409-432, IRD [Marseille], Objectifs Suds, (with J.M. Sourisseau, G Pestana & V. Géronimi).
2011 Vulnerability and training-employment relationship: The French Case, The European Journal of Qualification, 3, June, pp. 13-18, (with A. Nicolas & K. Radja).
2010 Politiques publiques et développement durable dans le monde rural calédonien, Economie rurale,320, pp. 9-23, (withJ.M. Sourisseau, G Pestana & V. Géronimi). [Public policies and sustainable development in the Caledonian rural world].
2009 Clean Technology Transfers and North-South Technological Gap: An Important Issue for Environmental Policies, International Economics,120, pp.109-130, (with O. Petit).
2009 Quelles formations pour un développement soutenable dans les pays en développement ? Mondes en développement, 2009/3, 147, pp. 29-44, (with A. Nicolas & K. Radja). [Which formations for a sustainable development in developing countries?].
2009 Régimes de gouvernance pétrolière et conflit des mobiles sécuritaires, in C. Serfati (Ed.), in Une économie politique de la sécurité, Edition Karthala Paris, (with O. Petit), pp 161-180.
2009 Les enjeux de la sécurité environnementale, des ressources pétrolières et de la biodiversité, in C. Serfati (Ed.), in Une économie politique de la sécurité, Edition Karthala Paris, (with O. Petit), pp 102-116.
2009 Diversité des politiques de développement durable. Temporalités et durabilités en conflit à Madagascar, au Mali et au Mexique, Edition Karthala Paris, France, in collaboration with G. Froger, V. Géronimi & P.Meral. [Diversity of sustainable development policies. Temporalities and sustainabilities in conflict in Madagascar, Mali and Mexico]
2008 Which Professionalizing Education Programs For Which Sustainable Development? Industry and Higher Education, vol. 22, 3, June, pp.161-169, (with Alain Nicolas & Katia Radja).
2007 Sustainable agriculture and water quality control: a structural approach, International Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 9, 2, pp. 246-276 (with J.-M. Douguet).
Graduate level:
Contribution to the MOOC MOMENTOM, The MOMENTOM Project as a Strategic Research Initiatives of paris-Saclay University. New Energies and Society
Sequence 1: Energy Transition and Global Warming
Sequence 2: New Energies and Environmental Impacts: The IPAT Modelling Approach
Sequence 3 : « Green » Hydrogen in The Energy Transition: Which Potentials and Lock-in Factors?
M2 ACCES (Univ. Paris Saclay and ESJ Lille): Changement climatique, énergie et économie (in collaboration with Sylvestre Huet)
MOOC ACCES Climate-Economy Interactions : A Climate Bill Issue.
MOOC ACCES Climate, Economy and Decoupling : Do we have to wait to be rich to worry about the climate?
University Paris Saclay and UVSQ: Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy, Energy Economics, Socio-economic Scenarios of Climate Change: Construction and Assessment, Eco-innovation and Society, Economic analysis of Sustainable Development, Business Ethics (the precautionary principle in Economics), Economic Assessment of Sustainable Development Projects, Newspace Economics
Undergraduate level:
Macrodynamics (UVSQ)
Last revision: February 2024