Tanguy Sandré
Received the PhD degrees in 2024
tanguy.sandre [at] uvsq.fr
I am a PhD Research Fellow (since December 2020) in social sciences, at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, with the supervision of Jean-Paul Vanderlinden (CEARC) and Jeanne Gherardi (LSCE), and a visiting researcher at the SVT, University of Bergen (Norway). Within the framework of the SeMPER-Arctic and PREFER projects, my research addresses the local manifestations and experiences of environmental and climatic upheavals. I am interested in how narratives from communities - often marginalized - express forms of resilience and ethical considerations in the face of these upheavals whose framing transcend a merely environmental or climate-based understanding. The approach I deploy is rooted in critical ethnographic work that involves collecting the narratives of these communities during long and/or iterative dwelling stays. The main community with which I engage in this research work is Ittoqqortoormiit (Kalaallit Nunaat). My work sheds light on invisibilized stories and diversifies the discourse on global change. It opens space for alternatives that permanently decentralize the gaze in order to explore new ontological and epistemological resources to understand the ongoing upheavals.
I have a degree in sociology and heterodox economics, and a double master's degree in climate change adaptation and Arctic studies. My past experiences have led me to work on indigenous knowledge issues - notably at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Center for Indigenous Knowledge Systems (South Africa), then through the organization of two international conferences (Arctic Week 2018 and 2019) - but also on Arctic diplomacy during a mission of nearly a year at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. I am also involved in Arts/Sciences projetcs, for example the Cyclope project (supported by La Diagonale Paris-Saclay) which aimed at collecting local stories of change during a six-month bicycle trip in Europe and which led to the production of a short documentary film (12min, 2021), or the exhibition "Ittoqqortoormiit, aajinnga oqaluttuat" (2022), which combines the experience of a researcher in the field with the stories of the inhabitants of Ittoqqortoormiit.
My research interests include: a critical approach to adaptation and resilience, critical ethnography, epistemologies and plurality of knowledge, ethics and emancipation issues.
Within CEARC, I actively participate in the Arctic Observatory, specifically at the strategic monitoring on Greenland, as well as in the Arctic Working Group of the National Research Institute (CNRS). I am also elected at the doctoral school of Social Sciences of the University of Paris-Saclay and at the Research Commission of the UVSQ.
- Main Challenges in the Arctic I and II, L2 LLCER European and International Studies (IECI, UVSQ) [18h];
- Analysis of systems, vulnerability and resilience, M2 Saclay EDE Adaptation to Climate change adaptation: sustainable development and environment (University Paris Saclay University) [13h];
- Foresight scenario planning, M2 Saclay EDE Adaptation to climate change: Sustainable development and environment (University Paris Saclay) [13h];
- Knowledge mobilization, M2 Saclay EDE Adaptation to climate change: Sustainable development and environment (University Paris Saclay) [13h].
Main publications and presentations:
- SANDRÉ T. 2023 (poster presentation). Reframing climate change into meaningful local experiences: critical reflexivity with stories from Ittoqqortoormiit (Inuit Nunaat). ASSW 2023, February 2023, Vienna.
- SANDRÉ T. 2023 (presentation). Grounding climate change into meaningful local experiences in the Arctic: seasonality, sea-ice changes and polar bears as emerging risks in Ittoqqortoormiit (Kalaallit Nunaat). Arctic Frontiers, January 2023, Tromso.
- SANDRÉ T., GHERARDI J., WARDEKKER A. (SUBMITTED), (A) While waiting for the sea ice. In Bremer and Wardekker (ed.), Changing seasonality: how communities are revising their seasonal calendars, Punctum Books.
- WARDEKKER A., DOLOISIO N., SANDRÉ T, HUCTIN J-M., 2022, Framework for analyzing resilience narratives, Technical Report, 45 p. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23323.13603
- SANDRÉ T. 2022 (conference paper), Climate and local narratives to make sense of resilience in the face of changing sea-ice conditions in Greenland, 9th June 2022, International Symposium on Ice in a Sustainable Society, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
- SANDRÉ T. 2022 (poster presentation). From stories to emancipation: reflexive inquiry on resilience in Ittoqqortoormiit (East Greenland). May 8th 2022, Arctic Frontiers, Tromsø (Norway).
- SANDRÉ T. 2021 (presentation). Récits et résilience : faire sens des changements environnementaux à Ittoqqortoormiit (Groenland). May 27th 2021, 17ème Journée Scientifique du CNFRA, Maison des Océans, Paris (France).
- SANDRÉ T. 2020 (conference paper). Poétique de l’habiter à Kiruna (Suède) : D’une « terre vierge » à une ville en mouvement. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03043611.
Last revision: January 2025