Scientific leadership

 jean-paul.vanderlinden [at]

      +33 (0)1 80 28 55 01


Professor in Ecological Economics and Environmental Studies
Director CEARC


In a nutshell   |   News   |   Publication   |   PhD Thesis Supervision   |   Scientific leadership   |   Teachings


2022-now Lead principal investigator "Deciphering the lay ethics of terminal risks: locall terminal risks as PRoxiEs For Existential Risks (PREFER), ERC AdG 2021.
2022-now Principal investigator, Des impacts régionaux aux impacts globaux du changement climatique en Arctique : une perspective interdisciplinaire (CLIMARCTIC), PPR Océan


Lead principal investigator "Codevelopment of place-based climate services" (CoCliServ), project funded through ERA4CS.


Principal investigator "Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation program" (Nunataryuk), project funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.


Elected director, Cultures Environments, Arctic, Representations, Climate research center (CEARC, EA 4455, UVSQ)


Lead principal investigator « Climate Extremes on the Plateau de Saclay » (ECLIPS) project funded by the 2015 Diagonale Paris-Saclay call for proposals.


Lead principal investigator « Adaptation Research: a Transdisciplinary Community and Policy Centred Approach » (ARTisticc), project funded by the Belmont International Opportunity Fund.


Principal Investigator, responsible for two work tasks, « EUropean CLimate and weather Events: Interpretation and Attribution » (EUCLEIA) project, funded by the 7th framework program for RTD of the EU.  


Theme leader « Transdisciplinarity Adaptation Climate Environments Society », CEARC research centre.


Founding member of the Environmental humanities portal.

Founding member of the “Narratives of change” international collective.

Founding member of the Inflexion Art-Science-Policy collective.


Member, Scientific advisory board, GIS Climat Environnement Société, scientific consortium


Representing UVSQ’s president, Board of Director, Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement Durable (UNT UVED).


Member, Environment National Working Group.


Project evaluation, Nantes University, 2015 interdisciplinary call for proposal.

Project evaluation, Grenoble University  « Alpes Grenoble Innovation Recherche » (AGIR) 2015 call for proposals

2014, 2019, 2024

Writing of the five year plan for the CEARC research Centre


Project evaluation for the “Fonds Recherche du Québec.”


Deputy director, CEARC research centre.


Deputy director, REEDS research centre.

Theme leader, « Environments Sciences Society » REEDS Research centre.


Principal Investigator, responsible for one work package, « Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate » (THESEUS) project, funded by the 7th framework program for RTD of the EU.  


Stakeholder workshop organisation, « Quantifying CO2 emissions in the Greater Paris Area » (CO2 Mega Paris), funded by the French National Research Agency, ANR.


Project evaluation for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


Principal Investigator, responsible for three « work packages » « a Transdisciplinary approach to the Emerging CHallenges of NOvel technologies: Lifeworld and Imaginaries in Foresight and Ethics » (TECHNOLIFE) project, funded by the 7th framework program for RTD of the EU.


Lead principal investigator « Recherche, animation mobilisation des savoirs » (RAMONS) project, funded by the GIS Climat Environnement Société.


Lead principal investigator « Trames vertes et changement climatique » (CCTV) project, funded by the GIS Climat Environnement Société