Maxime Royer
maxime.royer [at]
I am a PhD student (2024-2027) at LGI (Centrale Supélec) and CEARC, founded by ADEME and MSH Paris Saclay. I work on a possible Digital Twin for the territory of Paris Saclay.
In France, territories are supposed to be the spearhead of the transitions with plans such as the PCAET (Climat, air, energy, teeritory plan), but studies show that the sum of the actions of such plans in not enough to reach France’s ambitions. In cause, the inability to measure the efficiency and impacts of such actions, and the lack of knowledge on which actions to take.
The idea of my thesis is to think of a Digital twin or counterpart of the real territory on which we would be able to monitor things as they are, and as they could be with prospectives scenarios. The reflexion will revolve around what to put in the digital twin for it to answer the needs of the local institutions, who to involve in the process of making and using this tool and what this tool will be to best help the actions for change.
My work thus focus on what are the challenges that a French territory faces and how to design the right and fair tool that would alleviate these.
Last revision: February 2025