Damien Serre
damien.serre [at] mayane.eu
Damien Serre is a university professor and researcher associate at CEARC, Université Paris Saclay -UVSQ (cearc.fr), and CEO of TheClimateStandards. He leads research and innovation projects in the fields of risk resilience and climate change adaptation, with a particular focus on resilience assessment, critical infrastructure management, spatial decision support systems to optimize resilience against various types of hazards, and the implementation of strategies co-constructed with economic players. Damien Serre has organized and/or chaired numerous sessions at international conferences in his field of expertise, such as EGU (European Geosciences Union), Floodrisk, SRA (Society for Risk Analysis). He is also co-editor of Urban Risk Studies (ISTE), Journal of Water and Climate Change (IWA) from 2013 to 2021, Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley) and Acta Geophysica - Hydrology (Springer). His research work is published regularly, mainly in international peer-reviewed journals.
From 2021: Associate Researcher of ARIACTION, University of Montreal, QC.
2015-2022: Professor of Geography - urban resilience to climate change, Avignon Université
2018-2021: Professor of Geography - resilience to climate change of Pacific Island and built environment, Université de Polynésie Française, Polynésie Française, Director of the Joint Research Center UMR 241 EIO
2013-2015: Associate Professor, University Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France
2007-2013: Professor assistant, University Paris Est - EIVP (Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris), Paris, France
2007: Scientist, HR Wallingford, Flood Group, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK
2006: Postdoctoral researcher, Cemagref, Research Department “Hydraulic Infrastructures”, Aix en Provence, France
2002-2005: PhD student in Geographic Information Sciences, Marne la Vallée University and Cemagref, Research Department “Hydraulic Infrastructures”, Aix en Provence, France France
2000-2001: M.Sc. in “Geographic Information Sciences”, Cohabilited by French Geographic National College, and French National College of Telecommunication, Marne la Vallée University, France
- Since 2020
2023-2026: Clim’Ability Care, Climate adaptation of industrial and economic activities to floods and drought in the upper Rhein Region, EU INTERREG, 300 000 €, WP Leader.
2020-2023: UAV data acquisition for coastal risk management in France and French Polynesia. Research Ministry, 100 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2020: PARC (PAcific islands Resilience Culture). Building resilient communities in French Polynesia with participative approaches. University of French Polynesia, 5 000 €, contributor.
2020-2021: A risk Atlas design for Tahiti and Moorea. University of French Polynesia, 5 000 €, Principal Investigator.
- 2007-2019
2019-2021: ILOTS (Pacific Islands Long Term Resilience to climate change). IRD CNRS - Call "Natural Risks”, 43 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2019-2022: Resilience observatory design for flood risk management in Pacific Islands: a systemic modelling approach. Research Ministry and INRAE, 100 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2019-2020 : DéPOs-PF, Post Hurricane waste management in French Polynesia. University of French Polynesia, 9 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2018-2021: Post Hurricane waste management in the Caribean Region, French National Research Agency, 100 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2018-2021: DéPOs - Hurricane Waste Study. Hurricanes generate huge quantity of waste that complicate crisis management and access to hot spots for quick recovery. This project aims at producing spatial decision support systems to improve hurricane waste management. (ANR, French National State funding – Ministry of Superior Education and Research), 25 000 €, WP Leader.
2017-2020: Improving national and local alert systems with social networks and IoT (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region-Mayanne Consultancy), 114 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2016-2019: Inegalitto – Resilience Strategies via participative GIS of Atlantic coast small towns, (Fondation de France), 20 000 €, WP Leader.
2016-2019: Spatial decision support system to improve resilience to floods of dyked up territories (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region-Avignon Municipalities), 94 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2014-2015: Underground Critical Infrastructure Resilience (Villes 10D National Project Funding) 10 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2011-2015: Joaquin, resilience of urban areas to air pollution, (EU Funding, Interreg IVb), 250 000 €, WP Leader.
2011-2013: Paris Résiliente, methods and tools for critical infrastructure management in Paris facing flood events, (Paris 2030 – City council of Paris), 30 000 €, Principal Investigator.
2010-2013: RESILIS, developing methods and tools to make cities more resilient in optimizing management of urban networks and their governance, (ANR, French National State funding - Ministry of Superior Education and Research), 150 000 €, Scientific Director.
2010-2014: FloodProBE 190 000 €, built environment vulnerability assessment to floods of built environment-critical infrastructure, (EU-FP7), WP Leader.
2008-2010: TRACI (TRAnchées Couvertes Industrielles – Cut and cover trenches), Contributor; resilience assessment of tunnel construction technics, 70 000 €, Partner, (Industrial French Ministry).
2007-2012: FloodResilienCity research project, integrating floods and economic development in floodprone areas, (EU-Interreg IVb), 300 000 €, WP leader.
- Peer reviewed journal special issue coordination
- Jiménez J., Serre D. 2022. Journal of Flood Risk Management, Wiley, “Flood risk and resilience in coastal zones and tropical islands”, ongoing edition.
- Serre D., Barroca B. Krüger E., Leone M., Glade T. 2022. Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, European Geosciences Union, “Resilience to risks in built environment” ongoing edition.
- Viavattene C., Serre D. 2021. Water, MDPI, Special Issue "GIS Application: Flood Risk Management", ISSN 2073-4441.
- Barroca B., Serre D., 2017. International Journal of Cartography, Taylor & Francis ISSN 2372-9333 (Print), 2372-9341 (Online), Special issue: Mapping Risk, resilience, vulnerability.
- Barroca B., Serre D., Jebrak Y., Mainguy G., Duchemin E., Bouchon S., 2013. La résilience en action dans les territoires urbains, Vertigo - La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement, Co-éditeur du numéro spécial.
- Serre D., Barroca B., Duchemin E., 2013. City Resilience, S.A.P.I.E.N.S Journal (Surveys And Perspectives Integrating Environment & Society), Co-Editors of this Special Issue.
- Serre D., Barroca B., Llasat M-C., 2013. Natural hazard resilient cities, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), an Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union, Co-Editor of this Special Issue.
- In peer reviewed journals (selection of)
- Jessin, J.; Heinzlef, C.; Long, N.; Serre, D., 2023. A Systematic Review of UAVs for Island Coastal Environment and Risk Monitoring: Towards a Resilience Assessment. Drones 2023, 7, 206. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones7030206
- Heinzlef C., Barroca B., Leone M., Serre D., 2022. Urban resilience operationalization issues in climate risk management: A review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 75, 1 June 2022, 102974, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102974.
- Jessin, J., Heinzlef, C., Long, N., Serre, D., 2022. Supporting a Resilience Observatory to Climate Risks in French Polynesia: From Valorization of Preexisting Data to Low-Cost Data Acquisition. Water 14, 359. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14030359
- Yang, Z., Clemente, M.F., Laffréchine, K., Heinzlef, C., Serre, D., Barroca, B., 2022. Resilience of Social-Infrastructural Systems: Functional Interdependencies Analysis. Sustainability 14, 606. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14020606
- Lamaury Y., Heinzlef C., Jessin J., Serre D. 2021. Operationalizing urban resilience to floods in island territories – application in Punaauia, French Polynesia, Water, MDPI 13(3), 337; https://doi.org/10.3390/w13030337.
- Heinzlef C., Serre D., 2020. Urban resilience: from a limited urban engineering vision to a more global comprehensive and long-term implementation, Water Security, Elsevier, 2020, Volume 11, December 2020, 100075, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasec.2020.100075.
- Heinzlef C., Robert B., Hémond Y., Serre D., (2020). Operating urban resilience strategies to face climate change and associated risks: some advances from theory to application in Canada and France, Cities, The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Elsevier, 2020, 104, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2020.102762.
- Heinzlef C., Becue V., Serre D., (2020). A spatial decision support system for enhancing resilience to floods. Bridging resilience modeling and geovisualization techniques Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1049–1068, 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-1049-2020.
- Heinzlef C., Becue V., Serre D., (2019). Operationalizing urban resilience to floods in embanked territories – Application in Avignon, Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region Safety Science, Volume 118, October 2019, Pages 181-193 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2019.05.003
- Barroca B., Serre D., (2018). Risks revealed by cartography – cartography renewed by the geovisualization of risks, International Journal of Cartography, 4:1, 1-3, DOI: 10.1080/23729333.2018.1444376.
- Serre D., Heinzlef C., 2018. Assessing and mapping urban resilience to floods with respect to cascading effects through critical infrastructure networks, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 30, Part B, September 2018, Pages 235-243, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.02.018.
- Gonzva M., Barroca B., Serre D., 2017. Resilience of urban systems: proposition of a methodological framework to answer operator needs, Urban Risk Studies, Volume 17-2 : Vol 2 - Making cities more safe and more resilient, ISTE Openscience.
- Serre D. Barroca B., Balsells M., Becue V., 2016. Contributing to urban resilience to floods with neighbourhood design: the case of Am Sandtorkai/Dalmannkai in Hamburg. Journal of Flood Risk Management, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12253.
- Fekete A.; Tzavella K.; Armas I.; Binner J.; Garschagen M.; Giupponi C.; Mojtahed V.; Pettita M.; Schneiderbauer S.; Serre D., 2015. Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2015, 4, 1848-1869.
- Zevenbergen C., van Herk S., Escarameia M., Gersonius B, Serre D., Walliman N., de Bruijn K.M., and de Graaf R. 2015 Assessing quick wins to protect critical urban infrastructure from floods: a case study in Bangkok, Thailand, Journal of Flood Risk Management, Version of Record online: 18 JUN 2015, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12173
Damien Serre est professeur des universités, chercheur associé au CEARC, Université Paris Saclay -UVSQ (cearc.fr) et PDG de la société TheClimateStandards. Il dirige des projets de recherche et d’innovation dans les domaines de la résilience aux risques et l’adaptation au changement climatique avec un accent particulier mis sur l'évaluation de la résilience, la gestion des infrastructures critiques, les systèmes spatiaux d'aide à la décision pour optimiser la résilience à différents types de d’aléas, la mise en place de stratégies co-construites avec les acteurs économiques. Damien Serre a organisé et/ou présidé de nombreuses sessions lors de colloques internationaux dans son domaine d'expertise, comme à l'EGU (European Geosciences Union), Floodrisk, SRA (Society for Risk Analysis. Il est aussi co-éditeur de Urban Risk Studies (ISTE), de Journal of Water and Climate Change (IWA) de 2013 à 2021, de Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley) et de Acta Geophysica - Hydrology (Springer). Ses travaux de recherche sont publiés régulièrement, essentiellement dans des revues internationales à comités de lecture.
Last revision: February 2025